Selasa, 26 April 2011

(Artwork) my artwork tribute for Sheila

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i made this artwork for one of my best buddy in twitter, sheila.

i knew her from twitter. Its kinda funny actually if i try to remember how i followed her on twitter (relax she.. i wont spill the story here :D ) and it turns out that she was a friend of my friend, Gita .. and we met each other in person (offline meeting) at Gita's wedding. and the first time i saw her in person.. she's a good looking woman..hahahahaha not my type, but yeah she's pretty...

time runs by and we keep contact and yes.. we just got close. not in "that" relation term.. but in terms of friendship. she's a thoughtful person.. have this great attitude and really really grown up. to me she just like my big sister

and so i made this artwork for her.. it was a tribute for a new friendship... hahaha

thanks sheila for being there for me... :) love you sist...

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